My journey through weight loss, fitness and the new me.

Posts tagged ‘team’

3wk strength training. Help!

I’ve got three weeks to build the strength in my arms, no gym, just two 2.5kg hand weights to do it. 

Does anyone have any advice which exercises I can try to build my arms?

I’ve been following Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred, which uses hand weights and it’s going well but I now need to build my strength, and quickly. 

On September 4th my company is taking everyone away overnight. We do it every year, a little treat. 

The last few years it’s been a day at the races. Lots of food and drink and a bit of fun. We get to judge the best dressed horses and sit in the “posh box”. 

This year we’re going to a swanky hotel overnight with team games during the day. 

They’ve done it before, before I started. They played lawn chess and noughts and crosses. Very tame, a bit boring. 

We’ve just been told this year it’s Mini Highland Games, in teams. 

Every game involves throwing something! I know how competitive these things get so I need to work on my upper body strength so I don’t let my team down. But I’ve no idea how. 

Any tips anyone?

Fitbit Friends?

Hey everyone, sorry I sort of fell off the face of the planet again! There’s been a lot going on, I haven’t decided if I’ll blog about it or not. 

I got myself a Fitbit Flex recently. I got fed up waiting for the Fitbit Charge HR coming out in plum. I’ll maybe upgrade in a year.

It’s been a real eye opener so far. I hadn’t realised how inactive I was, especially at work. Some days I’m only hitting 4k steps and I average 6k. Days I’m at university I’ll hit 15k though. 

The problem is that I’ve only got one friend with a Fitbit so the friends/challenges section of the app is a bit lonely and unused.

So would any of my fellow bloggers like to be Fitbit friends?

Could we find a whole group of us to link up together? Cheer each other on an offer support in bad days?