My journey through weight loss, fitness and the new me.

Archive for February, 2015

Fitbit Friends?

Hey everyone, sorry I sort of fell off the face of the planet again! There’s been a lot going on, I haven’t decided if I’ll blog about it or not. 

I got myself a Fitbit Flex recently. I got fed up waiting for the Fitbit Charge HR coming out in plum. I’ll maybe upgrade in a year.

It’s been a real eye opener so far. I hadn’t realised how inactive I was, especially at work. Some days I’m only hitting 4k steps and I average 6k. Days I’m at university I’ll hit 15k though. 

The problem is that I’ve only got one friend with a Fitbit so the friends/challenges section of the app is a bit lonely and unused.

So would any of my fellow bloggers like to be Fitbit friends?

Could we find a whole group of us to link up together? Cheer each other on an offer support in bad days?